JOGS Winter Show 2025

Smokey’s Tucson Miners Co-op Rock Show

Miners Co-op Rock Show

Information for the Smokey’s Tucson Miners Co-op Rock Show

The Smokey’s Tucson Miners Co-op Rock Show was formerly known as the Miners Co-op Rock Show. They have already changed their name, and this new name will be used for their show in 2024. Location and vendors are same.
Show datesJanuary 31 – February 16, 2025
Hours9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
AddressMike Jacob Sports Park
6901 N. Casa Grande Highway,
Tucson, Arizona 85653, United States
Google Map
DistrictNorth Tucson
SponsorMiners Co-op
Open toWholesale and Public
Number of exhibitors40
Type of merchandiseRocks, Minerals, Art of minerals
It takes time to see allAn hour (estimated)
Parking feesFree
RestroomsYes (porta-potty)


The Smokey’s Tucson Miners Co-op Rock Show (Formerly the Miners Co-op Rock Show) is one of the interesting showplaces because they have many unique and rare rocks, minerals, fossils from miners.

You can see real miners, and you will know interesting stories of miners. This showplace is located a bit far from other showplaces. You should use I-10 (Exit 248 Ina Road) and Eastbound frontage roads.

“Started in 2012 by Alby ‘Smokey’ Davis, the Miners Coop rock show has grown into Tucson’s most friendly rock show. We carefully select from hundreds of applicants who would like to participate, choosing the ones that best fit our mold of “Diggers and Doers”. All of our vendors are closely connected to the products they sell. Many represent several generations of family businesses in the Rock and Gem world.

There are lots of venues that make up the Tucson show. The Miners Coop is unique in that it’s made up of the people who dig and mine, or the ones who construct amazing things from rocks. This the home of the Diggers and Do-ers.

The Tucson Miners Coop is a really laid back place. No booth bunnies, no hard sales pressure. Just a place where you can come and do your rock thing! Need something you found identified? Bring it to the show and we’ll very likely be able to tell you what it is, where it came from and perhaps what we had for lunch on the day we were looking for the same thing.”

Source: Tucson Miners Coop


Customer reviews of this show

5.0 rating
5 out of 5 stars (based on 8 reviews)
Very good0%

My favorite show

5.0 rating

Of a week full of shows, this was the best. It’s a bit far out, and the road construction make it confusing to get to the park, but the miners were so interesting to talk to and of course knew so much about what they sell. I’m just learning to cut and polish stones, so I’m so excited to work on what I bought, and I have great stories to go with my stones.

Patricia Kryzak

Excellent Show!

5.0 rating

The best show in Tucson. Especially if you are looking for affordable specimens and really unique finds (not just piles of the same stuff as most of the shows). Check it out for sure!

Preston Cox

My favorite part of the gem show!

5.0 rating

No crowds. Easy parking. Great, knowledgeable vendors. Always eager to engage. My favorite place, for sure, when the gem show comes to town!



5.0 rating

I have enjoyed this show for the past two years and will be going back this year. It’s fun to talk with the people who actually go out and find the rocks and minerals. Two of the vendors have dark tents set up for vending flourescent minerals which I really enjoy.

Jack Henderson

Great Show

5.0 rating

It was great to speak with miners that have in many cases worked hands on with materials being offered.
It’s the only show I came to visit a second time.


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Denver Gem and Mineral Showcase

This organizer provides the Miner’s Co-op Show in Denver, Colorado in every September.

More information: Denver Gem Show

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