Show list of 2025
Show | Number of vendors | Number of visitors | Contact | Application |
1801 Oracle – Mineral Village Show | 10 | 10,000 or less | 520-858-9880 | Please ask them |
1820 Oracle Wholesale Show | 11 | 10,000 or less | 520-912-9006 | Please ask them |
22nd Street Show | 450 | 50,000 | 724-633-7469 | Application |
Starr Pass Show | 15 | 10,000 or less | 804-291-6357 | Application |
African Art Village | 66 | 10,000 or less | 520-869-7895 | Please ask them |
AGTA GemFair Tucson | 300 | 50,000 | 214-742-4367 | Application |
American Indian Fine Arts Show | 19 | 10,000 or less | No information | No information |
American Indian Arts Exposition | 10 | 10,000 or less | 520-420-4332 | Please ask them |
Arizona Independent Warehouse Show | 3 | 10,000 or less | 303-462-1173 | Please ask them |
Art Retreat in the Desert | – | 10,000 or less | | Please ask them |
Best Bead Show | 22 | 10,000 or less | 610-241-8329 | Please ask them |
Colors of the Stone, To Bead True Blue Show, and Tucson Artisan Workshops | 231 | 10,000 | 888-747-1123 | Application |
Enter the Earth Wholesale Warehouse Show | 1 | 10,000 or less | 828-318-8607 | Please ask them |
Fine Minerals International Show | 4 | 10,000 or less | 732-318-6760 | Please ask them |
Fossil & Mineral Alley | 70 | 10,000 or less | 520-624-6491 | Please ask them |
GIGM Globex Gem & Mineral Show | 90 | 10,000 or less | 520-251-1800 | Please ask them |
GIGM Motel 6 Gem & Mineral Show | 76 | 10,000 or less | 520-251-1800 | Please ask them |
GIGM Quality Inn Gem & Mineral Show | 40 | 10,000 or less | 520-251-1800 | Please ask them |
GJX Gem & Jewelry Show | 450 | 50,000 | 520-882-4200 | Application |
G&LW Gem Mall and Holidome | Gem Mall: 109 Holidome: 226 | 50,000 | 601-879-8832 | Please ask them |
Granada Gallery | 1 | 10,000 or less | | Please ask them |
Granada Mineral Showcase | 1 | 10,000 or less | | Please ask them |
JG&M Simpson Street | 30 | 10,000 or less | | Application |
JOGS Tucson Gem & Jewelry Show | 350 | 50,000 | 213-629-3030 | Application |
Kent’s Jewelry, Lapidary, Tool & Supply Show | 1 | 10,000 or less | 520-461-1350 | Please ask them |
Kino Gem & Mineral Show | 250 | 50,000 | | Please ask them |
La Fuente de Piedras Mineral Show | 10 | 10,000 or less | 520-777-3045 | Please ask them |
Madagascar Minerals Gem Show | 1 | 10,000 or less | 520-882-8884 | Please ask them |
Mineral City Show | 124 | 10,000 or less | 720-318-8933 | Please ask them |
Mineral & Fossil Co-op | 13 | 10,000 or less | 520-884-4867 | Please ask them |
Mineral & Fossil Marketplace | 36 | 10,000 or less | 520-245-3052 | Application |
Miners Co-op Rock Show | 40 | 10,000 or less | 520-123-4567 | Please ask them |
Pueblo Gem & Mineral Show | 280 | 50,000 | 310-586-6816 | Application |
The Rock Yard | 4 | 10,000 or less | 602-571-9287 | Please ask them |
Rapa River Gem & Mineral Show | 39 | 10,000 or less | 520-743-0866 | Application |
RMGM Mineral & Fossil Show & Oracle Road | 26 | 10,000 or less | | Application |
Just Minerals Event | 10 | 10,000 or less | No information | No information |
Tucson Gem and Fine Mineral Show | 9 | 10,000 or less | 520-704-9046 | Please ask them |
Tucson Gem & Mineral Show (Main Show) | 250 | 50,000 | 520-322-5773 | Application |
Tucson Showplace | 9 | 10,000 or less | 520-620-0007 | Please ask them |
US Ethical Gem Fair Tucson | 9 | 10,000 or less | | Please ask them |
Westward Look Mineral Show | 15 | 10,000 or less | 602-618-6119 | Please ask them |
Whole Bead Show | 8 | 10,000 or less | 530-265-2725 | Please ask them |
*Alphabetical order
*Number of vendors and visitors are estimated.
How much is the cost to exhibit?
It depends on the show.
Here are examples:
22nd Street Show: 10.5′ × 10.5’=$4,000-
JOGS Tucson Gem & Jewelry Show: 10′ × 10’=$3,375- (as of 2018)
AGTA GemFair Tucson: 10′ × 10’=$4,500- (Corner: $5,550)
How can I apply to exhibit?
Please call to each organizer or submit application form on each website.
Some of the shows such as JOGS Tucson Gem & Jewelry Show, 22nd Street Show, and Tucson Gem & Mineral Show (Main Show) provide online application forms.
By when do I submit an application form?
It depends on the show.
We highly recommend you should contact each organizer, six months before at least.
Many exhibitors tend to reserve their booth one year in advance.
Where should I exhibit?
It depends on your merchandise.
If you have gemstones or jewelry, we recommend the following shows.
If you have minerals or mineral specimens, we recommend the following shows.
If you have fossils or meteorites, we recommend the following shows.
If you have beads or handcraft things, we recommend the following shows.
- Colors of the Stone, To Bead True Blue Show, and Tucson Artisan Workshops
- JOGS Tucson Gem & Jewelry Show
If you have rough rocks, we recommend the following shows.
If you have metaphysical supplies (singing bowl, incense, cloth, etc.), we recommend the following shows.
How can I get a visa invitation letter?
You have to ask an organizer of the show.
For example, JOGS Tucson Gem & Jewelry Show provide an invitation letter, and they will help you to enter the US.
Also, they provide some tips regarding Visa interview on their official website.
Unfortunately, we CANNOT help you entering the US.
If you need assistance to participate the Tucson Gem Show as vendors please contact us.