Information for the Rapa River Gem & Mineral Show
Show dates | February 1 – February 16, 2025 |
Hours | 9:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. |
Address | Rapa River Show Tents 292 S. Freeway Ave. Tucson, Arizona 85745, United States Google Map |
District | Down Town |
Organizer | Rapa River Gem & Mineral Show |
Phone | 520-743-0866 | | |
Admission | Free |
Open to | Public |
Registration | No |
Number of exhibitors | 39 |
Type of merchandise | Rocks, Fossils, Mineral, Art |
It takes time to see all | An hour (estimated) |
Parking fees | Free |
Foods | Yes |
Restrooms | Yes (port-a-potty) |
Application for exhibitors | Leasing info |
The Rapa River Gem & Mineral Show is not a big show, but there will be many warm vendors every year.
You can find minerals, rocks, carvings, glass arts, and Asian traditional clothes. You should visit once during the show because vendors tend to change every year.
You can stop by after visiting the GIGM Show Globex Gem & Mineral Show (Red Lion Inn and Suites).
Customer reviews of this show
Diverse variety of minerals
Tons of specimens, rough, and beautiful polished pieces.
Stones from the USA, India, Mexico, etc!
Great for collector, lapidarist, and they even have lapidary artists on site to help you create a custom piece!
Denied space because I sell Mexican minerals
I call to get a vendor spot and the guy promoter told us it was okay to come and set up . We came from a long way rented a uhaul cost us around 2,000 dollars . Plus gas…. Once we got there the old couple who was in the front of the rapa river show that sell Mexican minerals. didn’t like us and talk to the promoter to not set up because we sold Mexican minerals & are doing competition to them, and since the promoter & them are friends he basically told us that we couldn’t set up.. made us lose a lot of money and time.. I belived that competition it’s always healthy for any business because the customer has different options & different prices to buy from. Mexico is big country and have a wide variety of minerals. We all carry different minerals from Mexico. I don’t know why some people are so greedy and want everything for them …
High quality of Peruvian minerals
The dealers that have been going to Rapa River for years are the best, for me it’s a safe place to go for quality minerals, their treatment is also really good. I was able to find excellent quality of peruvian minerals in a large stan at the back and couldn’t find in other shows, the man goes every year I highly recommend to visit
Nice and unique
There’s some handmade stuff there that is unique and I didn’t see anywhere else in Tucson, some crochet, wire wrapping, lots of options and seemed like great prices.
Great show!
Great show! Easy to get around great variety😁
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