Madagascar Import SEAM Gem Show

Information for Madagascar Import SEAM Gem Show

Actually, this is not “Show”. It is a kind of independent warehouse sale by the Madagascar Import SEAM Inc.
Show datesJanuary 23 – February 16, 2025
Hours10:00 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.
Address1248 N Main Ave.
Tucson, Arizona 85705
Google Map
DistrictCentral Tucson
SponsorMadagascar Import SEAM Inc.
Open toPublic
Number of exhibitors1
Type of merchandiseMinerals, rocks, fossil, carvings
It takes time to see allOne hour (estimated)
Parking feesFree
Application for exhibitors
WebsiteMadagascar Import SEAM Inc.


SEAM was created on April 15th, 1994, in Antananarivo MADAGASCAR. From 1994 to 2005, SEAM exported a unique product ‘ammonite’, but since 2005, it began to work other minerals and fossils to diversify its products. Ammonites of Madagascar are recognized among the best in the world, in which SEAM has made its notoriety. SEAM exported its products around the world such as the USA, Europe, Asia and participates in different shows around the globe, especially in Europe and the USA.

The company is based in Antananarivo Madagascar, and employs about 95 workers including 12 staff and has two workshops. Throughout the years, the success and reputation of SEAM grew stronger and became the first extractor of ammonites in Madagascar. In 2011, SEAM opened a filial called SEAM France which is implanted in Reims France and has become an independent firm under French law since October 16, 2014. The appellation is now SEAM EUROPE SARL. As our exportation grew, and as we developed strong partnerships around the world to ensure the presence of the company in the US market, another company MADAGASCAR IMPORT SEAM Inc. was opened in Tucson, Arizona USA in the same year.

Our products are very diversified and treated with care. Mining is not an easy job especially the use of manual machines. Once arrived at our workshop, our lapidaries work and shape the stone with care. Our products are deemed good qualities, competitive prices in international markets and respond to a very large demand all around the world especially in the US.

Source: Madagascar Import SEAM Inc.


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